Saturday, February 9, 2013

Howl Imitation

I saw a generation that was more worried about "making it big" than working hard for their money.

Who thought "Honey Boo-Boo" and "16 and pregnant" were more acceptable television than "7th Heaven".

I saw a generation who did not believe in disciplining their children, yet complained when they were  out of control.

Who bought water bottled from a store, yet complained about having too much waste.

Who drank coffee and caffeine like crazy, then had to have a prescription to help them sleep.

Whose children wanted for nothing, then complain because the are spoiled.

I saw hard working people lose their jobs while the government said everything would all work out.

Who worried where the next meal would come from, called lazy because they could not find a job.

Who could not get help from the government, so had to choose between feeding their family, or paying the electric bill.

Who could not live the American dream.

I saw violence out of control, with no real solution except to violate law abiding citizens.

Who could not have a "fair" fight, or feel safe even speaking their minds.

Who were more concerned with appearance than ethical behavior.

Who stepped on any toes possible to make it to the top.


  1. Wow this is so true! i'm 20 years old and i can't stand reality TV shows like the Kardashians or the Jersey Shore, I've never heard of honey boo boo but I'm sure it falls into that category.I used to watch 7th Heaven because I thought it had better morals than a show about teenagers becoming parents. I thought you really nailed some good points here!

  2. Your imitation highlights all the hipocrisy in the world. That structure is especiallly present in "who drank coffee and caffeine like crazy, then had to have a prescription to help them sleep."
